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W E L C O M E.
Thank you for visiting Truth And Life Bible Church online. We hope that our website highlights our doctrinal beliefs, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ who is the Word of God and for you, our neighbor. 
O U R  M I S S I O N


Truth and life Bible Church exists to encourage all who are called by the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to continue in the faith with eternity in view.

We exist to encourage the believer to be vigilant; AND to examine what we hear and to measure it against the Truth which is the Word of God. To be bold and courageous, to put on the whole armour of God and propagate this truth; for time is running out.

O U R  S ER V I C E S 
SUNDAYS @ 11.00 AM:
The Word & Worship 
Bible studies at different family homes in Gothenburg

 Would you like to donate
 to our Church Fund ?
           TRUTH AND LIFE BIBLE  CHURCH.   Aröds Industriväg  28.   42243 Hisings Backa. Gothenburg, Sweden.  +46 727 752 552.
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